There are several reasons why your availabilities are not displayed correctly to your customers. 

1) Make sure your schedule is configured correctly. Note that there are two types of schedules: internal schedule and external schedule.

In most cases it is best to use the same for both schedules, however if you want to differentiate them, remember that the schedule shown to customers is the external one:

2) Make sure your service is configured correctly:

You must make sure that your name (or in the case of multi-member teams) the therapist's name is selected to offer online service:

3) If you choose the option ¨Manually set times to display online¨, make sure that the hours chosen match your hours of availability.

4) On your platform, if you choose to have the system group your availabilities, (i.e. only show availabilities before or after an already established appointment, this could be a reason why the system does not show other availabilities).

5) You may have modified your regular availabilities manually at the bottom of your calendar.


If after checking each of the above options, you are still having problems with your availabilities, you can contact us at and we will be happy to help you solve it.